The Tide

Midterm Week Is Back

A closer look at its effects on time management and mental health

Courtesy of Visual Generation


By Marysol Alvarado

From Issue 2, 2023-2024; school news

Updated Dec 19, 2023

The infamous Midterm Week has been a controversial topic at Long Beach High School for quite some time. Students and teachers alike have strong opinions regarding the week “off.” Midterm Week is a time when students only come into school to take exams in their current courses. For the past couple of years, students weren’t given the week off, but as of this year, students will only have to go to school to take their exams.

The week had been so controversial because some parents felt as if students weren’t using the time for its intended purpose. However, many students felt that the week was well deserved; it can be difficult to balance lengthy midterms amid other classes and clubs.

I had the chance to receive some input from current students. They shared their thoughts on the week as well as about midterms in general. After all, the students are the ones who have to endure these tests.

With or without classes in session, midterms can be very stressful for students. Ariana Jara, a junior at LBHS who has never had an out-of-school midterm week, can attest to that. She says, “Midterm week is one of the most stressful weeks of the school year. We students have to study for all of our classes and take part in our after-school activities. Midterm week can be very mentally draining.” Tests, in general, are draining, so you could imagine the weight taking three or four midterms places on students’ shoulders.

Melinda Desantis, another junior at LBHS, shared her thoughts specifically about giving students the week off: “I think that midterm week is extremely beneficial as it can reduce a student’s stress and anxiety levels, and allow them to prioritize their exams.” This brings up a good point; without classes, students have more time to prepare for their tests. Instead of spending an hour the night before a geometry midterm doing English homework, students could dedicate that time to studying solely for geometry.

I also got the chance to speak to a teacher, Mrs. Weiss. I asked her if she thought that having students only come in to take their tests would be beneficial to students. She said she did but, “It’s more of a question of having this [the week off] instead of regular classes. But being able to take a lengthy exam, and having to sit for it and practice your endurance is beneficial in the long run.” She also brought up a good point. Students need to practice sitting for long exams to prepare for Regents, AP, and IB exams. In-class midterms do not provide students with this opportunity.

Whether or not you feel midterm week is beneficial for students, it's back this year, and hopefully the week allows students to feel more at ease and confident for their tests this January.