The Tide

Advice Column (Dec. 2023)

By Isabella Gonzalez

From Issue 1, 2023-2024; advice & lifestyle

Updated Dec 10, 2023

The advice column at LBHS aims to establish a sense of community. If you’re looking to submit a question, we encourage you to visit the Google Form. The form is easy to fill out and is divided into sections according to the questions you may have. Look for a response to your question in our next issue!

Q: Hello! I need your help! Lately, I've been experiencing negative thoughts about my body. This has led me to struggle with my body image. How can I work on this?

A. Body image is defined as a combination of thoughts and feelings, ranging from positive to negative, that you may have about your body. According to the Mental Health Foundation, in their survey of young people aged 13-19, 35% said they ‘often’ and ‘always’ worry about the appearance of their body. Negative body image is a common struggle among teens and is not something to be ashamed or silent about. Reaching out for advice was a great first step! To combat negative thoughts, practicing positive affirmations are a great way of boosting your mood and self-esteem. Positive affirmations are positively loaded phrases or statements that are used to challenge negative thoughts. For example, phrases like “I appreciate my body for its strength, resilience, and function,” “My appearance does not determine my self-worth” and “I celebrate the beauty in myself and others.” I hope that these affirmations can help you to grow more confident in yourself.

Q: Hello there! I am a freshman. I am interested in challenging myself in the following school year. What challenging classes does Long Beach High School offer to its students?

A. Dear student, I think that it’s amazing that you're demonstrating an interest in advanced classes. Many teachers and guidance counselors would highly advise students who are interested in taking on a challenge to pursue these rigorous courses. With that being said, if you feel that you are ready to add these classes to your schedule, you should definitely consult with your teachers, guidance counselors and upperclassmen to see if these are right for you. Depending on the classes that you have already taken, you may be able to take AP World and AP Statistics. These are a few of the many advanced placement courses Long Beach High School has to offer. Furthermore, make sure you are pursuing classes that you think you will enjoy! It is easy to become focused only on challenging yourself rather than taking a holistic view of your schedule and future goals.